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    侯登录 电子邮件: houdenglu@126.com

    侯登录,1965 年 1 月生,河北临西人,民革党员,教授,博士生导师,校学术带头人,校教学名师,河北省有突出贡献中青年专家,校图书馆馆长,政协石家庄市第十二届委员会常务委员(2013-),《物理实验》杂志编委,《Journal of Measurement Science and Instrument》杂志编委,中国图书馆学会理事、河北省图书馆学会副理事长,河北省力学学会理事,河北省高等学校力学教学指导委员会委员。 主持或主要参加国家自然科学基金项目3项、主持河北省自然科学基金项目4项、主持科技厅、教育厅的基金项目4项。近10年先后发表科研论文100余篇,其中SCI收录84篇,论文被引用585次。其中,发表在Applied Physics Letters(应用物理快报)上的论文被他人引用100余次,受到国内外同行的关注。获得授权发明专利7项。2010年《宽禁带氧化物半导体的磁有序研究》获得河北省自然科学二等奖(第一完成人2010ZR2003-1)。2014年《钙钛矿和尖晶石结构磁性氧化物的阳离子分布研究》获得河北省自然科学一等奖(第二完成人2014ZR1001-2) 主讲本科生《力学》,《普通物理学》、《近代物理实验》、《原子物理学》等课程。主讲研究生《磁性物理学》专业基础课程。主编《近代物理实验》教材1部。已培养博士研究生5名、硕士研究生28名,出站博士后3名。目前指导博士研究生2名,硕士研究生4名。


    1982 年 9 月 -1986 年 7 月,全球信誉最好的网投平台物理系读本科;
    1986 年 7 月 -1994 年 9 月,全球信誉最好的网投平台物理系工作;
    1994 年 9 月 -1997 年 7 月,全球信誉最好的网投平台物理系攻读凝聚态物理专业硕士学位研究生;
    1997 年 7 月 -1999 年 9 月,全球信誉最好的网投平台物理系工作;
    1999 年 9 月 -2002 年 7 月,天津大学理学院攻读材料物理与化学专业博士学位研究生。(期间,2000年8月-2001年8月,加拿大Manitoba大学物理系访问学习)
    2002 年 7 月-2009 年 11月,十大网投信誉平台排行榜任教授,副院长
    2009 年 11月-2012年1月,十大网投信誉平台排行榜任教授、院长(期间,2011年3月-2012年3月,挂职赵县人民政府副县长)



    1.Qiao, Shuang; Hou, Denglu; Tang, Guide, The structure and magnetic properties in heavily Mn-doped MnxSi1-x films,Solid State Communications 203(2015)21-250

    2. Li, Guo-Ke; Liu, Yan; Zhao, De-Wei; Song, Ping; Ma, Li; Zhen, Cong-Mian; Liu, Hui; Hou, Deng-Lu, Epsilon-iron nitrides: Intrinsic anomalous Hall ferromagnets,APL Materials 3(2015)026105

    3. Guo-Ke Li, Yan Liu, Rui-Bin Zhao, Jun-Jie Shen, ShangWang, Pu-Jia Shan,Cong-Mian Zhen , Deng-Lu Hou, Crystallographic phases and magnetic properties of iron nitride films Thin Solid Films 589 (2015) 22–26


    4. Zhao, RB; Zhao, DW; Li, GK; Ma, L; Zhen, CM; Hou, DL; Wang, WH; Liu, EK; Chen, JL; Wu, GH, Anomalous magnetic configuration of Mn2NiAl ribbon and the role of hybridization in the martensitic transformation of Mn50Ni50-xAlx ribbons, Applied Physics Letters 105(23)(2014) 232404

    5. Zhao, DW; Li, GK; Wang, SQ; Ma, L; Zhen, CM; Hou, DL; Wang, WH; Liu, EK; Chen, JL; Wu, GH, Tuning exchange bias by Co doping in Mn50Ni41-xSn9Cox melt-spun ribbons, Journal Of Applied Physics 116(10)(2014) 103910

    6. Zhu, Chunhui; Li, Zhuangzhi; An, Heping; Tang, Guide; Hou, Denglu, Enhancing the Thermoelectric Properties of Ca3Co4O9 Thin Films by the Addition of a Nanoscale NbNx Second Phase, Journal Of Electronic Materials 3(9)(2014) 3666-3671

    7. Ji, Deng-Hui; Hou, Xue; Tang, Gui-De; Li, Zhuang-Zhi; Hou, Deng-Lu; Zhu, Ming-Gang, Oxygen content and magnetic properties of composites La0.75Sr0.25MnO3 +/-delta calcined at different temperatures, Rare Metals 33(4)(2014)452-458

    8. Song, P; Li, GK; Ma, L; Zhen, CM; Hou, DL; Wang, WH; Liu, EK; Chen, JL; Wu, GH, Magnetization jumps and exchange bias induced by a partially disordered antiferromagnetic state in (FeTiO3)(0.9)-(Fe2O3)(0.1), Journal Of Applied Physics 115(21)(2014) 213907

    9. Meng, Shan; Wang, Huanling; Liu, Hui; Yang, Caihong; Wei, Yu; Hou, Denglu, Evaluation of the ability of ferrihydrite to bind heavy metal ions: Based on formation environment, adsorption reversibility and ageing, Applied Geochemistry 45(2014)114-119

    10. Wang, Xing; Zhen, CongMian; Liu, XiaoWei; Liu, XiuMin; Ma, Li; Pan, ChengFu; Hou, DengLu, A new hole-bridge structure based on a SiO2 nanoarray and its ferromagnetism, Colloids And Surfaces A-Physicochemical And Engineering Aspects 446(2014)151-155

    11. Liu, Yan; Li, Guoke; Shen, Junjie; Ma, Li; Zhen, Congmian; Hou, Denglu, The anomalous Hall effect in highly disordered SmCo5 thin films, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 589(2014) 568-571

    12. Ge, Wenwen; Zhu, Chunhui; An, Heping; Li, Zhuangzhi; Tang, Guide; Hou, Denglu, Sol-gel synthesis and dielectric properties of Ruddlesden-Popper phase Srn+1TinO3n+1 (n=1, 2, 3, infinity), Ceramics International 40(1)(2014) 1569-1574

    13. Liu, Hui; Li, Xiuling; Wang, Yan; Yang, Xin; Zhen, Zhen; Chen, Rufen; Hou, Denglu; Wei, Yu, New insight into the effect of the formation environment of ferrihydrite on its structure and properties, RSC Advances 4(22)(2014) 11451-11458


    14. Zhao, Zhongyi; Qin, Mei; Jia, Yanyan; Chai, Yujun; Hou, Denglu; Wang, Ning, Hydrogen storage properties of flexible and porous La0.8Mg0.2Ni3.8/PVDF composite, International Journal Of Hydrogen Energy 38(25)(2013)10939-10943

    15. Wang, Li; Hou, Denglu; Yu, Jingsheng; Wei, Wengang; Zhen, Congmian; Ma, Li; Hu, Fengchun; Wang, Chao, Structural and magnetic properties of Si1-xGex thin films implanted with Fe ions, Current Applied Physics 13(4)(2013) 688-696

    16. Zhao Cui-Lian; Zhen Cong-Mian; Ma Li; Pan Cheng-Fu; Hou Deng-Lu, Morphology and ferromagnetism of Ge nanostructure, Acta Physica Sinica 62(3)(2013) 037502


    17. Shan Meng, Hui Liu, Caihong Yang, Yu Wei, Denglu Hou,Sorption/desorption differences among three ferrihydrites prepared by different synthesis methods, Applied Surface Science, 258(10)(2012)4449-4454

    18. Li Wang, Weixia Gao, Denglu Hou, Yuchan Hu, Qian Zhang, Li Ma, Congmian Zhen, Fengchun Hu, Chao Wang, Structural and magnetic properties of Si semiconductor co-implanted by Fe- and N-ions, Materials Chemistry and Physics 132(2–3)(2012) 729-734

    19. Cuilian Zhao, Congmian Zhen, Yuanzheng Li, Li Ma, Chengfu Pan, Denglu Hou, Ferromagnetism in Cu-doped silicon carbide, Solid State Communications 152(9)(2012) 752-756

    20. Cuilian Zhao, Congmian Zhen, Yuanbo Liu, Chengfu Pan, Li Ma, Zhaoguang Pang, Denglu Hou Room-temperature ferromagnetism in silicon oxide/silicon nitride composite films, Solid State Sciences, 14(10)(2012)1454-1457

    21. J. Gao, X.L. Yan, Z.Y. Zhao, Y.J. Chai, D.L. Hou, Effect of annealed treatment on microstructure and cyclic stability for La–Mg–Ni hydrogen storage alloys, Journal of Power Sources 209 (2012) 257– 261

    22. S. Y. Liu, C. M. Zhen, Y. Z. Li, C. F. Pan, H. J. Zhou, and D. L. Hou , Ferromagnetism in hydrogenated N-doped amorphous carbon films, Journal Of Applied Physics 111 (2012) 053922

物理科学与信息工程学院 材料科学与技术研究室 新型半导体与形状记忆合金的结构与磁性课题组
